The World Needs Your Gifts!

The World Needs Your Gifts!

Dear heart-centered person - 

Kindness, compassion, empathy, deep listening and thinking, creativity - these are gifts that likely come so naturally to you that you don’t even recognize them as gifts.

Our world needs these qualities, now more than ever. 

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What stops you from sharing your gifts with the world? For many of us, it is feelings such as fear, insecurity, self-doubt, overwhelm.

Those feelings come from an ancient part of our brain that evolved in much different circumstances - when humans lived in small groups and survival was completely dependent on the group. 

Now we live in a vastly different social environment, but our survival brain doesn’t realize it.

We can learn to calm our survival brain and help it feel safe. Some things that help calm that part of our brain are: 

  • upleveling our thoughts and feelings to focus on things like gratitude and what’s going well

  • spending rejuvenating time in nature

  • being around positive, uplifting people

Heart-centered, sensitive people often face some specific challenges with sharing our gifts with the world. 

  1. Boundaries. Heart-centered people tend to have brains that are wired for high empathy,  compassion, and caring for others. This tendency to overcaring sometimes can lead to fatigue and burnout. We need to learn to set appropriate boundaries so we take as good care of ourselves as we do of others.

  2. Self-compassion. Heart-centered people often have a tendency to be kind to everyone else, but hard on ourselves. This can make it difficult to have the confidence to share our gifts. We need to learn to treat ourselves with as much kindness and compassion as we would give a beloved friend.

  3. Feeling inadequate. We live in a culture where the things that come naturally to us, such as cooperation, compassion, and kindness, tend to not be as highly valued as things like competition and material success. We need to learn to value our unique strengths and develop a strong foundation for knowing that we are enough just as we are. 

  4. Feeling overwhelmed. We live in a frenetic, out-of-balance culture, which is hard on everyone, and especially hard on the nervous systems of heart-centered, sensitive people. We need to make conscious efforts to take time out to recharge our batteries, especially in nature. 

As we learn to create a positive, uplifting environment for ourselves, both in our external everyday world, and also in the internal world of our thoughts and feelings, we grow stronger and are more able to share our gifts with the world. 

What is one small step you can take today to create a more positive, uplifting environment for yourself so that you can more easily and confidently share your gifts? 

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