Eye of the Hurricane

Eye of the Hurricane

Have you heard of the eye of a hurricane?

The eye is the center of the storm, the part that stays calm while the hurricane swirls around it.

Eye of the Hurricane.png

With all the intensity going on in our world, we can strive to be a center of calm in our own lives.

Here are three things that can help:

  1. Thought downloads. Our thoughts create our feelings. If we’re experiencing a lot of intense emotion it can help to get our thoughts out of our heads and onto paper where we can take a look at them objectively. Thought downloads are great to do every day. Just set your timer for five or ten minutes and write down everything you’re thinking. After you’ve gotten all your thoughts written down, go through and for each one ask yourself, “Is this true?” and “Is this helpful?” Come up with some more helpful thoughts and practice them throughout the day.

  2. Allow/process emotions. The primitive part of our brain doesn’t like difficult emotions. It wants us to be comfortable. But our prefrontal cortex knows that emotions are just vibrations in our bodies and can’t hurt us. Try letting yourself allow and process your emotions. Right now, what emotion are you feeling? What does it feel like in your body? Where do you feel it? What color is it? Is it fast or slow, heavy or light? Just let your attention rest on that vibration in your body. Often it will start to shift and change. Watch with curiosity. Get to know what this emotion feels like in your body.

  3. Stay focused on what is important to you. What is most important to you in your life? Your family, your goals, your spirituality, your creativity, your contribution? Stay focused on those things as much as possible. Don’t let your attention and energy get captured by whatever is happening in the outside world. Find the balance between staying informed and not getting overwhelmed. Remember – you own your attention and energy. Keep them focused on what is most important to you.

We will get through these challenging times.

You can create your own calm eye in the center of the hurricane.

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs your gifts of kindness, empathy, and compassion now more than ever.




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