Imagination is a Superpower!

Imagination is a Superpower!

This is a time of great uncertainty in our world.

Heart centered women with high empathy can be especially challenged. We’re feeling not just our own feelings about all the uncertainty, but also the feelings of those around us and in the larger culture.

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Heart centered women also tend to have active imaginations. Is your imagination running away with you during this time, imagining all the worst-case scenarios?

If so, that’s okay, just don’t let your brain get stuck there. Turn your active imagination into a strength.

Go ahead and imagine the worst-case scenario. Come up with a strategy for how you would handle it, and then shift your brain to thinking about best-case scenarios.

Your primitive brain will likely resist thinking about good possibilities – it wants you to stay focused on all the bad things that could happen because it thinks that’s the best way to protect you.

But imagining good possibilities helps to activate the creative, problem-solving parts of our brains.

In these uncertain times, being creative, flexible, and adaptable are crucial skills.

Write a story about the best-case scenario you can imagine for yourself, your loved ones, and the world.

Imagine it is five years from now, in the best future you can imagine. Where are you living? Who are you living with? How do you spend your days? What is happening in the world?

Include as much detail as you can think of. Let your imagination run free!

At this point don’t worry about how to get from your present circumstances to this ideal future.

Your primitive brain will probably resist, telling you that what you’re imagining is impossible. That’s okay, you’re just making up a story – the more impossible, the better to get your imagination flowing!

The more we can activate our imaginations in a helpful way, the more we can access the creative thinking we need to be flexible and adaptable in these uncertain times.

Send an email to and tell me something about your ideal future, I’d love to know!

Please take good care of your precious, heart centered self. Our world needs you!



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