7 Days of Calm

7 Days of Calm

Would you like to experience more calm in your life? 

Join us for 7 Days of Calm for Heart Centered Women, July 1-7.

Click this link to sign up: https://www.happybrainlife.com/7daysofcalm/july2020

You’ll learn new, neuroscience-based tools for calming your mind and body. 

This is an intense time in our world, with many people experiencing strong emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, and confusion.

Heart centered women with high empathy can be especially challenged, as we feel not just our own emotions deeply, but also those of everyone around us and in the larger society.

Being able to calm ourselves and stay emotionally balanced can be very powerful.

Calm helps us to:

  • Think clearly and make good decisions

  • Optimize the functioning of our immune systems

  • Access our creativity and problem solving abilities

When we come from a of place of calm, we can more easily show up in the ways that we want for ourselves, our families, and the causes we believe in.

Learn new tools for increasing calm in your life in this class created specifically for heart centered women. 

Sign-up here: https://www.happybrainlife.com/7daysofcalm/july2020

Please take good care of your heart centered self. Our world needs you!



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