Navigating Rough Waters

Navigating Rough Waters

Have you ever been river rafting?

The one time I went was an amazing experience - exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

Navigating the challenging times we’re living through reminds me a bit of river rafting.

Some patches are more calm, while others are wild and turbulent.

What’s your river like right now?

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How can we prepare for potentially rougher waters ahead?

One way is by looking at how we can simplify our lives.

As with river rafting, we want to bring along the things we really need. But more than that can weigh us down and make it harder to navigate.

What can you do to simplify?

Spend some time looking at your life, including possessions, people, and activities.

In each of these areas, ask yourself who/what is most important? 

Are there ways you can lighten your load? Be creative in coming up with low-stress ways to simplify, such as spending five minutes a day decluttering.

Another area to examine is our thoughts and feelings. 

Do your habitual thought patterns help you be flexible, agile, and adaptable to changing circumstances? 

Are you holding on to old patterns that weigh you down such as self-criticism, perfectionism, people-pleasing, guilt, shame, and blame?

If so, maybe now is the time to work on letting those go so you aren’t carrying that heavy baggage. 

Our world needs your heart centered gifts such as kindness, compassion, and empathy now more than ever. 

Whatever you can do to simplify your life can help put you in a better position to be able to take care of yourself, your loved ones, and your community.

Send an email to and let me know one thing you can do to simplify your life, I’d love to know.

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs you!



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