Bonjour from Paris!

Bonjour from Paris!

Dear Friend,

My husband and I are in Paris! 

We’re celebrating our 37th wedding anniversary and 44 years together. I am beyond grateful to have the privilege of spending my life with this amazing man!

In my last email I shared how excited I am to be signed up to attend a week-long retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza in July.

Today I wanted to share a little about the science that is being done on the impacts of Dr. Joe’s meditations and retreats.

A team of about fifty scientists around the world, led by researchers at the University of California San Diego, are conducting research with Dr. Joe’s community.

They are uncovering what’s happening in the biology of people who are going to Dr. Joe retreats, doing his meditations, and being part of the Coherence Healing sessions, both in person and remote.

I find the research really fascinating! They are discovering all kinds of interesting things, like profound changes in the composition of the blood of people doing Dr. Joe meditations.

I’m so excited that a documentary has been made about this research. The premiere showing was last week at UC San Diego.

The documentary is called Source - It’s Within You and it will be released soon on one of the major streaming services.

I’ll be sure to let you know when it gets released and where you can watch it - I can’t wait to see it!

In the meantime, if you want to know more about this exciting research, click on the “Proof” tab on and/or the website of the nonprofit coordinating the research:

I also want to share an amazing testimonial that was just published on Dr. Joe’s website and YouTube, of a woman who healed from Stage IV lung cancer. I love her beautiful story.

Much love,


P.S. If you’re dealing with a serious and/or chronic physical or mental health challenge, it can be helpful to be in a structured brain rewiring program.

The teachers/programs that have made a huge difference for my health and happiness are:

  1. Dynamic Neural Retraining System:

  2. Primal Trust:

  3. Dr. Joe Dispenza:

I don’t receive a commission from these programs, I just want everyone to know about them because of the truly groundbreaking work they are doing!

Greetings from London!

Greetings from London!

I'm So Excited!

I'm So Excited!