Winter Solstice Reflections

Winter Solstice Reflections

Winter Solstice is coming for those of us in the northern hemisphere – the longest night and the shortest day of the year. For those in the southern hemisphere, it’s the beginning of summer.

I love acknowledging the four turning points of the year – the winter and summer solstices, and the spring and fall equinoxes. Celebrating those times in our planet’s natural annual cycle helps me feel more connected with the earth.

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire_ it is the time for home..png

12/21/19, 8:19 pm Pacific time is the moment when the sun will be at its most southern point. The sun will appear stationary for three days – solstice day, and the day before and after.

I love the winter solstice as a quiet, reflective time of year. I also appreciate that it means we are heading for spring!

This time of year, I like to spend a lot of quiet time, reflecting on the year that has passed and preparing for the year ahead. And this solstice, we are preparing to enter a new decade. What will the 2020’s bring?

I like to do a little solstice ritual. I light a candle and write a list of what I want to release and leave behind from the year that is ending. Sometimes I burn the list. Sometimes I just shred it and put it into the compost bin.

Then I write another list of what I would like to welcome into my life in the upcoming year. I like doing this on the solstice because it gives me another ten days until the end of the calendar year to reflect more about my goals before New Year’s Day.

I think about what long-ago humans who lived in the northern hemisphere would have experienced this time of year. The nights would be long and the days short. The weather would be cold, with rain and snow. People would stay indoors as much as possible, gathered around the fire, telling stories, making music and art, and feasting on food that had been stored during the summer and autumn months.

For me, this time of year feels like an opportunity for reflection, quiet, warmth, connecting with loved ones, good food, letting go of what is passing away, and anticipation for what is coming.

How about you? What is most important to you this time of year?

I’d love to hear from you! Email me at

Take good care of your precious, heart centered self. Our world needs you!




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