Brain Hack to Achieve Your Goals Faster

Brain Hack to Achieve Your Goals Faster

Is there something you’d like to change in your life?

Can be in any area of your life – relationships, career, finances, health, etc.

Brain Hack for Achieving Your Goals (1).png

Here’s a brain hack for how you can achieve your desired change faster and easier by tapping into the power of your imagination.

  1. Imagine a time in the future when you have achieved your goal. Helps to make it a specific time and place.

  2. How do you feel now that you’ve achieved your goal? Successful, happy, grateful, excited, proud, happy, confident, other? Pick the emotion that is the most powerful, and really savor it. Amplify that feeling so your body fills with the neurochemistry of that emotion.

  3. What are you thinking, now that you’ve achieved this goal and are feeling this amazing feeling? Write down all your thoughts, such as: I’m so thrilled to have achieved this goal! I’ve been working towards this for a long time and now it’s here! I can’t wait for what’s next!

  4. Give advice to current you from the perspective of your future self who has achieved the goal. Ask your future self questions, such as: What are the best steps to take to accomplish this goal? What’s the best way to think about obstacles and challenges that come up along the way? Remember that you’re giving advice from the you who has already achieved the goal and knows how to get there.

The more time you spend thinking, feeling, and acting from the perspective of the future you who has achieved your goal, the faster and easier you’ll get there.

It’s never too late to work towards the life of your dreams.

If you’d like more help with setting and achieving goals (or any other issue in your life), I’m offering free life coaching sessions. This is a chance for you to get free coaching and for me to get more practice coaching as part of my certification program.

Sign up here:

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs your gifts of kindness, compassion, and empathy now more than ever!



Speak Kindly to Yourself

Speak Kindly to Yourself

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Embrace All of Your Life!