Bonus Time!

Bonus Time!

On this day (June 30) seventeen years ago, I was on an operating table having open heart surgery to repair a failing heart valve.

The surgery saved my life, without it I would have been gone from this world long ago.

This time of year I am always reminded of what an incredible gift life is.

I am so grateful for this “bonus time” that I get to be here on earth with my wonderful family, friends, and community.

Sometimes I forget and start taking life for granted.

It’s so easy to get caught up in day-to-day concerns and forget what a miracle it is just to be alive.

I love having this annual reminder to be grateful.

I am so grateful to the surgeons and medical team who took care of me.

I am so grateful to my wonderful family and friends for their ongoing love and support.

I am so grateful to our beautiful earth home.

And I am so grateful for all of you who read my posts and emails - thank you for your interest and support, I appreciate you very much!



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