What is Your Why?

What is Your Why?

Dear Friend,

One of the most helpful lessons I’ve learned on my healing journey is that if we want to improve our health, we have to change ourselves.

If we keep being the same person with the same thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, our health trajectory tends to stay the same.

To heal our minds and bodies, we have to change.

But the part of our brain that is focused on survival doesn’t like change - that feels scary. It feels safer for everything to stay the same, even if the same isn’t great.

To overcome the brain’s tendency to resist change, what can help most is to get clear on your deepest motivation and then keep that front and center.

If you want to change some aspect of your health (or your life), spend some time reflecting/writing/talking about what motivates you.

  • What is most important to you? Why?

  • What are your deepest values? 

  • If you could change one thing about your life and/or the world, what would it be? Why?

  • When you get to the end of your life, what will you wish you had done differently? Why?

Take some time to get to know your deepest self.

In our consumerist, social media-driven culture, we are constantly bombarded with messages about what should be important to us.

But you are a unique individual, and only you know what is most important to your heart and soul.

Take some time to find out, write it down, and reflect on it every day.

For me, what’s most important is always 1) my loved ones and 2) making a contribution.

What is it for you? Hit reply and tell me - I’d love to know!



P.S. If you’re dealing with a serious and/or chronic physical or mental health challenge, being in a structured brain rewiring program can greatly help.

The teachers/programs that have made a huge difference for my health and happiness are:

  1. Dynamic Neural Retraining System: www.retrainingthebrain.com

  2. Primal Trust: www.primaltrust.org

  3. Dr. Joe Dispenza: www.drjoedispenza.com

I don’t receive a commission from these programs, I just want everyone to know about them because of the truly groundbreaking work they are doing!

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