What's Your Next Step?

What's Your Next Step?

Dear Friend,

The journey to improve anything in our lives, including our physical and mental health, is a series of small steps.

Sometimes it can be challenging to know what is the best next step.

Everyone’s healing journey is unique, and every stage of each of our journeys is unique.

Sometimes we benefit from more activity, sometimes what we need most is deep rest.

Sometimes it’s helpful to work with a practitioner, sometimes we need to find our own way.

Sometimes learning something brand new is super helpful, sometimes we benefit most by going more deeply into what we’ve already learned.

Inside each of us there is a wise self that knows what is best for us - we just need to tune into and trust that wisdom.

Here are some tips for choosing your next step:

  1. Get really clear on your why. Why do you want to improve your health? What is your deepest motivation, your deepest desire? What do you want most in life? Why?

  2. Tune into your heart. Our hearts always know what is best for us. Put your hands on your heart, close your eyes, and slowly breathe in and out. Ask your heart to show you the most helpful next step.

  3. Be kind to yourself. Many of us adopted a habit early in life of being our own harshest critic. Learning to be a friend to ourselves is transformative. Ask yourself, “What advice would the most wonderful, unconditionally loving friend give me in this situation?”

  4. Let go of perfectionism. There is no perfect path, no perfect next step. Be willing to experiment and see what happens.

  5. Whatever you decide is your next step, go all in. Commit yourself fully for a specific amount of time. Don’t second guess yourself.

  6. Find a community of supportive people who will cheer you on! If they are on the same path, ideally at least some of them are a few (or many) steps ahead of you so they can be inspiring role models.

Whatever your goals are for healing (or anything else) I’m cheering for you! You’ve got this!

Sending you much love,


P.S. The teachers/programs that have made the biggest difference for my healing are:

  1. Dynamic Neural Retraining System: www.retrainingthebrain.com

  2. Primal Trust: www.primaltrust.org

  3. Dr. Joe Dispenza: www.drjoedispenza.com

I don’t receive a commission from these programs, I just want everyone to know about the truly groundbreaking work they are doing!

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