Love Heals!

Love Heals!

Dear Friend,

If you’re curious about the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and/or you have a health challenge you’re working on healing, this Saturday there is a rare opportunity to participate in a free livestream and meditation.

Here’s the description from his team:

“Join Dr Joe for a “Lovestream” – and experience a profound new meditation on love. 

The free event will be streamed live from our Week Long Advanced Retreat in Nashville, Tennessee – Saturday, September 21, at 12 p.m. EDT.

Our research has shown that when you practice sustaining elevated emotions like gratitude, appreciation, and love, a host of changes take place in your body.

And it starts with the heart. The center of wholeness and creativity. It’s where love is born … your bridge to the divine.

In this hour-long Lovestream, Dr Joe will talk about the importance of practicing this work and his inspiration behind his newest meditation, “Love Your Body.” Then, he’ll invite us to practice it together – for the first time ever.

The event is free and open to anyone who has an account on our Unlimited / Dr Joe Dispenza website. Once logged in, you can access the Lovestream right from your account Dashboard, under Community Live within Community Groups. If you do not have an Unlimited account, click here to create one.”

Sending much love,


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